Inside Movement Knowledge is a two-year (2008-2010) collaborative, interdisciplinary research project into new methods for the documentation, transmission and preservation of contemporary choreographic and dance knowledge. The project has evolved out of research initiated in 2004 by Amsterdam-based dance company Emio Greco | PC (Pieter C. Scholten) into systems for recording and transmitting the essential elements of their creative work. This became known as the Notation Research Project.
'Company in the School' publication (click to read more and download copy)
The Notation Research Project evolved through two major phases. The first included the making of a documentary film based on EG | consolidated loan calculator
PC’s workshop Double Skin/Double Mind and a period as artists-in-residence exploring the concept of “transfer” inside the Amsterdam School of the Arts (AHK) Theaterschool. The residency was an initiative of the AHK’s Art Practice and Development Research Group and gave the dance students of the Theaterschool an opportunity to engage in the research enquiry of EG | PC (read more about Double Skin/Double Mind and the AHK residency).
Click for JPG of the launch annnoucement
The second phase of the Notation Research Project continued the collaboration between EG | PC and the AHK’s Art Practice and Development lenders on line
Research Group. Inaugurated in April 2006 during the Anatomical Theatre Revisited symposium in Amsterdam, the project gathered its multi-disciplinary team of specialists at a first meeting at a symposium during Cinedans in July 2006. The unifying research question was, “what notation system can capture inner intention as well as the outer shape of gestures and phrases?” This second phase culminated, in October 2007 in the publication of a book, interactive DVD and installation under the title Capturing Intention, launched at the Dutch Dance Festival. (read excerpt from Capturing Intention and find details for obtaining the publication)
DS|DM Installation. Image: Thomas Lenden
Inside Movement Knowledge takes the outcomes (book, interactive DVD and installation) of Capturing Intention as a ‘case-study’ to continue exploring the artistic questions of EG | PC in the frame of a new consortium coordinated by the Art Practice and Development Research Group. The consortium is made up of organisations with whom The Notation Research Project established strong links already: the Netherlands Media Art Institute (through their preservation department); the University of Utrecht (through the newly established Theatre Studies program); and the Dance Department/ Theaterschool, Amsterdam School of the Arts.
This expanded research project is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science for research projects through its Foundation for Innovation Alliance. This Alliance funds new inter-institutional consortia focusing on improving the exchange of knowledge between non-for-profit institutes in the public sector, small and medium sized enterprises and the universities of applied sciences. An application for Inside Movement Knowledge was co-ordinated by the AHK’s Art Practice and Development research group and submitted in spring 2008, approved shortly thereafter and the project started in September 2008. (go to Project Summary)